Daily activity b. Ingg

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Hallo guys welcome to my blog. Today is the last practikal in semester 2. This time i will tell about my activity in the kitchen. today i go to campus at 7:45 and arrived in the campus i go to kitchen and standbye front kitchen while waiting other. After that we oneline then absend. after that we oneline in main kitchen and then we pray according to our belife.

After that we prepare all inggredients and the first we cutting ginger and garlic then in the rosting. after that we prepare for made dressing and the inggredients is shallot, lemongrass, brown sugar, ginger, chilies, cilantro, lemon. then chop.

After that i help other group for prepare, and then we do open restaurant at 11:30. after that we go to restauran for lunch because i table manner.
after lunch i come go to kitchen and do general cleaning. after that we ate together. and after that we oneline and sir jaya give a speech about activities today and then pray an back go to home.

Thank you for reading my blog

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