Daily inggris 4
Back again, with my block, which recently discussed about the croisant, gang, today I still like yesterday, I made a croissant again, today is my ration with other friends, running 9 times, putting out the heat. when p [ak ical has arrived in the kitchen we run and pack ical stay please pay attention to us running after running 9x rounds which is quite hot and we were told to go into the pastry to continue making croisants. I went into the pastry and I wanted to increase the ingredients again it turns out that the croisant fat material has run out and we export it to Pak ical and for today we don't make croisants, because I don't have any other activities so I make the nation's children. Some of my eman took materials to make the nation's children today and some ran to prepare for Friday sharing and we also prepare for our sales tomorrow we will sell chicken wings, after that we cook the nation's children and we pray dhur first after that we continue cooking, after the food is ready we are ready ready for the nation's children, after our nation's children are ready to go home so many of my blogs for this week thank you ..

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