Assalamualaikum wr,wb
Hy guys ,this is my first post on this blog,okay first I will introduce myself, my name is Reva Imelia Lestari, but you can call me  Rere,okay this is my third week of college and start entering in second semester .This time  first i started practice at the beginning of second semester, now I will tell you my daily activity  today . I want to tell you  from waking up and do activities in the kitchen, well until I one line ,general cleaning,and going back to home.

Okay I will start my story on this day !!

At 05.20 pm I wake up and I limmediately take a bath and then perform the morning prayers,after that I tidied up the bed then I had breakfast ,after that was ready to complete all my personal utensil and I immediately put on clothes,after I was ready I hurried leave my house at 07.40 am and I already in campus qt 07.50,and at 08.00 I one line in front of the kitchen and get attendance and checking personal utensil.

And after that we one line in main kitchen and pray then we introduce our self one by one to our supervisor,we get lesson from chef aldino about breakfast menu for tomorrow after that we directly prepare all the ingredients after that we make soft roll, at 15.30 untill 16.10 we get in and got lesson again from chef Aldino. After that, we wrapped our product and put in into the chiller. At 16.40 we  general cleaning, after that we oneline in front of the kitchen and listen little bit of announcement from chef faisal  then we pray and going back home,


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