Daily inggris 20

Hello guys back on my blog again on this third day we will make mille crepes as I said on my blog before, two days ago we only made cassava and sticky rice fermentation which is usually called tape, today we moved to mille crepes with local cover flavors such as cendol, attoro, pallu butung, katri sala, green banana, and barongko, my group and I got a job to make an attitude of miloro crepes.

Since yesterday I finished finishing my crepes dough today, the rest of my Sikoro finishing with a height of 7 cm and after that I began to melay slowly until the crepes setinnggi 7 cm we tidied the edges and then we put it in the chiller overnight so the purpose is to make the layer on the crepes better and more densely after we store it in the chiller we start cleaning the work area then general cleaning.


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